Instructions for Authors


1. 본 학회지는 ()한국해양학회의 국문학술지로서 해양학과 이에 관련된 분야의 논문을 게재한다.

2. 투고논문은 독창성과 신뢰성이 있어야하며, 본 학회지에 투고하기 전에 다른 학술지에 게재되지 않은 것 이어야 한다.

3. 본 학회 회원 및 비회원 모두 투고가 가능하다. 비회원의 경우, 임시회원으로 가입 후 투고할 수 있다.

4. 원고의 출판유형은(publication type) 報文(article), 綜說(review), 單報(note) 및 기타 학술정보로 하며,

    種別(報文, 綜說 等) 구분은 저자가 원고에 명시하고, 그 최종결정은 편집위원회에서 한다.

5. 원고는 한글로 작성하고, 논문제목, 저자명, 소속기관명 및 직위, 요약은 한글과 영문으로 병기(倂記)하여야 하며,

    저자점검표를 함께 제출하여야한다.

6. 그림(Figure)과 표(Table)의 설명은 영문으로 한다.

7. 그림과 표 내의 글자크기는 출판되었을 때 충분히 읽을 수 있어야 한다.

8. 單位SI 단위로 쓰는 것을 원칙으로 한다.


9. 논문의 본문 중 문헌의 인용은 다음의 예에 준한다.

     1) 2인 이하인 경우

         Kang(2019), Kim and An(2021), (Tak and Cho, 2022)

     2) 3인 이상인 경우

         Lim et al.(2018), (Kim et al., 2019)

     3) 2편 이상인 경우

         (Choi, 2010; Kim and Kang, 2021), (Kim et al., 2014a, 2014b; Park, 2021)

10. 참고문헌은 아래의 예에 따라 영문으로 작성하여 英文(알파벳 순)의 순으로 배열한다.

     1) 학술잡지의 인용

         Na, T., B. Thamdrup, B. Kim, S.-H. Kim, V. Vandieken, D.-J. Kang and J.-H. Hyun, 2018. N2 production through

         denitrification and anammox across the continental margin (shelfsloperise) of the Ulleung Basin,

         East Sea. Limnol. Oceanogr., 63: 410-424.

     2) 단행본 전체의 인용

         ) 저서

               Chang, K.-I., C.-I. Zhang, C. Park, D.-J. Kang, S.-J. Ju, S.-H. Lee and M. Wimbush, 2015. Oceanography of the East Sea

               (Japan Sea). Springer, Heidelberg, 476 pp.

         ) 연구보고서

               FAO, 2014. Climate change adaptation in fisheries and aquaculture. FAO, Rome, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture

               Circular No. 1088, 45 pp.

         ) 학위논문

               Kim, D.H., 2022. Spatiotemporal variability of geomorphic changes and sedimentary processes in the fluvial-marine

               transition zone from the Arctic to Sub-equator. Ph.D. Thesis, Seoul National University, Seoul, 234 pp.

     3) 단행본의 일부인용

         ) 편저서

               Park, J.J., K.-A. Park, Y.-G. Kim and J.-Y. Yun, 2015. Water Masses and Their Long-Term Variability. In: Oceanography

               of the East Sea (Japan Sea), edited by Chang, K.-I., C.-I. Zhang, C. Park, D.-J. Kang, S.-J. Ju, S.-H. Lee and

               M. Wimbush, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 59-86.

         ) 학회보 (Proceedings)

               Lefeuvre F. (1994). Fracture related anisotropy detection and analysis: if the P-waves were enough. In: 64th Annual

               international meeting of society of explortion and geophysics (expanded abstract), Los Angeles, pp. 942-945.


11. 일단 제출된 원고의 원본은 저자에게 반환하지 않으나, 그림이나 사진 등 특수한 경우는 저자의 반환요청에 협조할 수 있다.

12. 원고의 채택여부는 전문가심사(peer review)를 거쳐 편집위원회에서 결정한다.

13. 출판된 논문의 게재료는 1면 당 40,000원으로 한다.

14. 원색 도판 등 추가 제작 경비는 저자가 부담한다.

15. 별쇄본 50부는 무료로 저자에게 제공되며 추가 별쇄본은 저자가 부담한다.

16. 원고 접수일은 원고가 인터넷 상으로 접수된 날로 한다.

17. 학회지의 원고 배열은 물리, 화학, 지질, 생물 분야의 논문 순으로 배열하며, 같은 분야의 논문은 채택일 순으로 배열한다.

18. 투고는 인터넷 상에서 Webreview 시스템을 이용하여 투고한다. 이때 본 학회의 논문투고양식에 맞도록

      전자 파일을 첨부로 제출하여야 하며 원고접수 시 소정의 심사료를 납부하여야 한다.

19. 게재논문의 판권은 ()한국해양학회에 귀속된다. 다만, 게재된 원고내용으로 인한 모든 책임은 투고자에게 귀속된다.


붙임 : 20092월 개정

붙임 : 4, 91, 2, 3, 101, 2, 12, 13항 변경 (201211월 개정)

붙임 : 5조 변경 (201912월 개정)

붙임 : 3, 5, 9, 10조 변경 (20233월 개정)


The journal publishes original research articles, reviews and notes on all aspects of ocean sciences. Manuscripts should be original and not have been accepted, or be under contemporaneous consideration for publication elsewhere, in print or in electronic media. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial board of the Journal. The Korean Society of Oceanography reserves copyright on all papers published.


1. All manuscripts must be written in Korean. Abstract, tables, figures, and references must be written in English.

2. As peer review is the key factor on ensuring high quality articles based on an objective and balanced evaluation,

    papers submitted to ’The Sea’ will be reviewed at least by two reviewers and editor.

3. On the basis of reviewers’ comments and author’ responses and revisions, the editorial board of ’The Sea’ makes the

    final decision whether to publish a submitted manuscript.

4. A set of galley proofs will be sent to the author for checking typographical errors only.

5. Page charges (40,000 KRW/page) should be paid.

6. Authors are provided with 50 reprints free of charge.

7. All submissions are handled online at Once you have logged on as author using

    your ID and password you will be guided through the creation and uploading of your manuscript files.

8. For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors

    and authors ( editors-andauthors) can be applied. Author's check list

    and copyright transfer form to publish (


Preparation of the manuscript.

A manuscript should include the title, authors’ names and affiliations, position, mailing addresses (including zip codes), e-mail addresses, running title, abstract, key words (up to 5 with priority order), introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, references, figure legends, tables and figures. The order of author should be listed main author as first author and second, third author by contribution of manuscript writing. Corresponding author should be marked the asterisk after the name, and be written corresponding author’e-mail below the first page of manuscript. Omit the asterisk, if there is only one author. Corresponding author does not necessarily have to be the main author. Each Table and figure should be drawn on separate sheets and numbered consecutively. Tables requiring headings and figures must have legends. For the reproduction of figures, only good drawings and original photographs can be accepted. Mathematical compositions should be written with two double spaces above and below each composition. The International System of Units (SI) is advocated for use in Ocean Science Journal. References quoted in the text should follow examples: Kang(1983), Choi and Lee(1990), (Choi and Lee, 1990), Park et al.(1989), (Kim et al., 1990), (Lee, 1981; Park and Chung, 1984), (Chung, 1984a, 1984b; Lee, 1990). References should be listed alphabetically with author’last name first on a separate sheet. An internationally accepted abbreviation of the journal title should be used. Examples of references are given below:


Journal Article:

Kuzmina, N., J.H. Lee and V. Zhurbas, 2004. Effects of turbulent mixing and horizontal shear on double-diffusive interleaving in the central and western equatorial Pacific. J Phys Oceanogr, 34(1): 122-141. 
Spinard, R.W., R. Barts and J.C. Kitchen, 1989. In situ measurements of marine particle settling velocity and size distribution using the remote optical settling tube. J. Geophys. Res., 94: 931-938.
Slifka, M.K. and J.L. Whitton, 2000. Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. J Mol Med, 163: 63-72. doi:10.1007/s001090000086.



South, J. and B. Blass, 2001. The future of modern genomics. Blackwell, London, 320 pp



Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2005. Mortality of fish escaping trawl gears. FAO, Rome, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 478, 72 pp.



Choi, J.K., 1984. The Ecological Study of Phytoplankton in Gyeonggi Bay, Korea. Ph.D. Thesis, Seoul National University, Seoul, 320 pp.


Contribution in Monographs and Proceedings:

Pedlosky, J., 1987. Themocline theories. In: General Circulation of the Ocean, edited by Abarbanel, H.D.I. and W.R. Young, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp. 55-101.
Lee, C.B., 1984. Enrichment and spectation of heavy metals in the suspended particulate matter of the Keum Estuary. In: Proceedings of Korea−US Seminar and 
Workshop on Marine Geology and Physical Processes of the Yellow Sea, edited by Park, Y.A., O.H. Pilkey and S.W. Kim, Korea Institute of Energy and Resources, Seoul, pp. 182-191.


Web Resource:

Doe, J. 1999. The dictionary of substances and their effects. Royal Society of Chemistry. dose/title (Accessed 15 Jan 1999).


Data set:

Lamberf, F. 2008. Dust record from the EPICA Dome C ice core, Antarctica, Covering 0 to 800 kyr BP. doi:10.1594/ PANGAEA. 695995.


Online submission. All submissions are handled online at Once you have logged on as author using your ID and password you will be guided through the creation and uploading of your manuscript files.


Research Ethics and Compliance. For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors ( editors-andauthors) can be applied. Author's check list and copyright transfer form to publish (

Contact information. Editorial Board of the Sea,

Tel. +82-2-403-6590/e-mail:

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